.....Welcome to my humble music page where I explore a couple of my
favourite bands, give you the inside story on my own musical
attempts and just give you my perspective.
.....I have recently begun to explore some of the more
abstract forms of music and have found them much to my liking. At present
my favourite "genres" of music include : Ambient, Progressive Metal, Acid
and various others.
.....Now I can see you shaking your head at the term "acid",
well, it is true that the music is geared toward that sort of "trip" but
it doesn't mean you have to be out of your head to like it. It's quite a
catchy combination of techno, electronic and ambient music and its VERY neat.
If you click on the "acid" button below, you'll be taken to a page where
you can, if you wish, experience some of this music. The same goes for
the respective "prog metal", "ambient" and "various" buttons.
.....My recent exposure to Progressive Metal came to me
when I heard the band "DreamTheater" for the first time. My personal
understanding of the term "Progressive Metal" is this: The combination
of Heavy Metal with classical influences and mainly *TALENT* (something
you don't see in a lot of bands these days, IMHO). DreamTheater is one my
absolute favourite bands. They're mastery of their insturments is amazing,
you won't believe it until you hear it. I would highly reccommend them
if you like music in general. If you hit the "prog metal" button, you can learn
more about them by following the "DreamTheater" link. All I will say for now
is that their name fits their music well.
.....Ambient music is simply beyond description. It is
the most beautiful music I have ever heard, it can take you to worlds un-dreamed
of. It's combination of smooth sounds, melody, complexity and stunning vocals
wonderfully draw the listener in. My favorite Ambient group is, by far, "Delerium".
Their most recent album, "Karma", includes guest singer Sara Mcglaughlin (sp?). At
this moment in time I haven't found any Delerium samples for you to listen to, but
there are other ambient songs reachable by hitting the "ambient" button.
.....Well, Various includes a whole slew of things such as : Grunge,
some music which was termed as "pop" (though I don't know how as it's not anywhere near
the old defination), "alternative" (which isn't really alternative anymore, more like mainstream)
and a few others. If you've a mind, have a look and listen by hitting the "various" button.
.....I myself have been writing music for about two yeras now. I expanded
my horizons a year ago and started writing my music on the computer in two particular programs:
Cakewalk 6 and Impulse Tracker. Obtaining these programs is a simple matter of clicking on the
"my music" button and following the instructions. My music spins in all sorts of directions
from Rock to Metal to something which I haven't found a classification for yet :) If you're curious
just click "my music" button and have listen :) Any comments would be much appreciated. Hope you enjoy
the rest of website. Have a nice day
